
Cherries like many other fruits are packed with antioxidants that fight free radicals in the bodyand may help prevent cancer and heart disease, while   numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the health benefits of cherries


Here in North America, we’re nearing the end of summertime and strawberry season. But we’re also in some of the hottest days of the year, which can sometimes cause oily skin and breakouts. Fortunately , it’s easy to take advantage of late - summer strawberry harvests to make a simple face mask that will control oil and clear up blemished skin!

      taking 2-4 oranges a day keep colds away. lowers cholesterol level  prevent
      and dissolve kidney stones 
  lessen the risk of colon cancer


                                                        MIXED FRUIT                   The food containing necessary vitamins and  minerals should be an  important  part of our daily diet.If we take fruits and vegetables as a part of well-balanced, regular diet we         will get excellent result and a healthy active lifestyle.  


We all know that mangoes are called the king of all fruits. But do we really know why? Apart from the fact that it is one of the most  delectable  treats for  the taste buds , this fruit is also loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants, all of which are  good for the skin , say skin  care  experts . vitamin  A  is the greatest friend to good skin and  its deficiency can cause dull skin, open pores , acne , as well as horny  eruptions  on  the arms, elbows and knees.


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